Identity Rental

I suppose my name is relatively common. For those of you out there with common names, you know how difficult it is to get the elusive "" address. What you may not know is that everyone with the same name as you who didn't get that email address will just use it anyway to sign up for things that they don't actually care about. I have a Pandora account out of England. I get book reservation notices from a library in Scotland. I hear about all the latest deals for a restaurant chain in Australia. And these are just the ones I'm having trouble opting out of. At least I'm not John Smith. ~C Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, eh ;) Share/Bookmark

2 thoughts on “Identity Rental

  1. At least he’s not …. I would prefer not to explain why.

  2. I solved this problem by just buying my own domain. FTW.

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