Occupational Hazards

Have you ever had a conversation with old friends centred around whose job is more difficult, or frustrating, or monotonous? I think the obvious truth there is that most of them are all those things, some of the time. Pick your flavour, and make the best of it. Or, switch jobs with your friends for hilarious results! What do you mean you can't do that in the real world? Quiet, you. ~C Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, eh ;) Share/Bookmark

8 thoughts on “Occupational Hazards

  1. At least he didn’t try the “dusty game cartridge” method…

    Take it out, blow in the ventricles and put it back in and restart.

    Thanks XKCD!

    1. It could work…

  2. Someone cheerful working IT? A strange world indeed.

    1. You just never know what might happened if we all switched jobs 😉

  3. Take this job and flub it, I ain’t working here no more!

    1. Or here, or here…

  4. I love the heart attack panel

    1. Thanks Tony!

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