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When I told people I was going on a trip to Belgium, the two most common questions where "why Belgium?" and "just Belgium?" I suppose it's not the European destination one thinks of first. But I'm here to tell ya first hand, it's a wonderful place to visit. Hanging out canal-side and climbing the belfries in Bruges and Ghent, cycling through the countryside of Poperinge, walking through the diamond district in Antwerp, eating mounds of delicious fries… it's all great. I would highly recommend it even just for those things.
But it also helps that Belgium makes some of the very best beers in the world. Gosh, I even tried some while I was there. You know. Just a few...
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One thought on “TWT58 – Why Belgium?”
Schmuck Man
Sure… a few. The few doesn’t include all non photographed, I trust?