Podcast Episode 105 – Mighty No. 9, Capcom and Giraffes

Mike of Walter the Wicked joins us on this week’s episode of the twxxd podcast to talk about Mighty No. 9, Capcom, and giraffes. Delicious, delicious giraffes.


Intro by Alien7. Outro by Brandon and Steve.

Podcast Episode 95 – Monetization

In this week’s episode of the twxxd podcast, we join our cousin Mike and Saeed of The Frumps to talk about something near and dear to all our hearts…making money. This is the first in a series of shop talks we’re going to be doing every few weeks or so with Mike.


Intro by Alien7. Outro by Brandon and Steve.

Podcast Episode 67 – Dust Piggies

Mike of Dust Piggies joins us on this week’s twxxd podcast. Hamster talk ensues.


Intro by Alien7. Outro by Brandon and Steve.


Podcast Episode 63 – Mallville Rules

Gary and Mike of the super-powered Mallville Rules join us on this week’s twxxd podcast.

~ B

Intro by Alien7. Outro by Brandon and Steve.
