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Poor Caught Carl... I wonder what he did this time!
And it seems Wiener is good to have around for more than just wailing on crooks and opening pickle jars.
Just... don't make fun of his car.
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10 thoughts on “Tough and Wiener – It’s Not the Size that Counts”
Michael Corley
Ah, the secret clown car technique of crime fighting!
Think of how much backup you could bring in the trunk alone.
Schmuck Man
A tight squeeze is not such a bad thing.
He he he 😀
Clearly not an American car.
True. Otherwise it would be like a boat.
Mark Stokes
Wiener’s a cinch in a tight pinch.
And doesn’t give bad guys an inch.
Is this story social commentary on the small penis that the police force wields to keep us all in check?
It’s a hard job, but you gotta grab it, lube up and own it.